The Talking Stick is a great Indian tool. It is used when there is a calling of councils. A talking stick allows members to speak their sacred point of view. The talking stick is passed from one member to another. The only member allowed to speak is the one with the stick. With every Talking stick there is an answering feather. When the holder of the stick asks a question the answering feather is passes until the question has been answered. Talking stick ornaments have their own meanings of different colors.
Red - Life
Yellow- Knowledge
Blue - prayer
White - is for Spirit
Purple - Healing
Orange - Kinship
The Answering feather also have their own meanings.
Eagle Feathers - High Ideas
Turkey - Peace
Owl - Good Medicine & to stop deception
from entering the space of the sacred council Hides And fur have their own meanings.
Buffalo - Abundance
Elk - Physical fitness
Deer - Gentleness
Rabbit - Ability to listen better with big ears
Horse Hair - connection to the earth and the spirits of the wind
Snake Skins are Healing
Being true to your sacred point of view.